Clear and concise, the book is designed for both those to whom the subject is new and those who require material for advanced studies. It begins with an explanation of the liturgies that plainchant was created to serve and moves on to describe all the chief genres of chant, differing types of liturgical book and plainchant notation.
After an exposition of early medieval writing on plainchant, a historical survey follows the constantly changing nature of the repertory from the earliest times to the restoration of medieval chant a century ago. This is an indispensable introduction to this increasingly popular music.
Includes 206 music examples, 18 plates with commentaries and transcriptions, and six maps. David Hiley is a professor at the Institut für Musikwissenschaft at the University of Regensburg in Germany.
ISBN 0-19-816572-2 [661 pp, 7 1/2 x 9 5/8, softcover]